working on binding again

I started the hand stitching on the binding on this quilt last night. Here is a picture of the top when I finished sewing it together Jan. 22 last year. I wanted to bind it with one of the fossil fern prints and brown was the only one I had enough of. Even though I still have quite a stack of the prints, most are a quarter yard or less after making this quilt. This fabric is more loosely woven than batiks so I got over half of the binding done in one evening.

The snow pile along the driveway is now extending the full length of the driveway. What you can't see because of the shadow along the sidewalk is that the snow is more than a foot deep along there.
On the radio this morning at 7:15 a.m. they said it was -26 degrees but both of the local Internet sites only had -21 degrees. Almost every school in the area is closed. We have a chance to get up to freezing by Tues. next week and a chance to get back above 0 today.