Club meeting

Today is the embroidery club meeting at the sewing machine store where I work occasionally. I took the embroidered squares and a tray of the other fabrics to show them last time and said I would have it done by next meeting (2 months). The club was supposed to be last Thurs. but because the weather predictions were so bad last week they rescheduled to this week. Our high temperature last week was -9 and today is supposed to be in the 30's, a 40 degree change. I have a shadow on the bottom of the quilt so I need to get a better picture.

Here is a blogging hint. The comments on a blog can be set up as full page or pop up box. When you have it set as full page, I have to leave the blog page to leave my comment and I can't go back and see all of the things I wanted to comment on. If you set it as pop up box, the viewer can still see the blog entry while commenting, which I find very helpful. I wish more sites had it set as pop up box.