2009, a fresh start

It is time to jump into something fun today. I started a trend in 1990 to make a new project every new year's day. That continued through 1994 and then I got off track. This one that I am working on isn't technically new since you all voted on sashing fabrics a little over a week ago. It felt new though as I trimmed the blocks to straighten them last night. I measured the tallest block (6.5") and then added spacer strips to top and/or bottom or both to make all of the blocks the same height. Now I have to figure out the size of strips to go between the blocks to make them line up vertically. That may take awhile but it is the fun part for me.
In between figuring sizes and cutting strips I will be reading the new book my granddaughter gave me for Christmas.

I think I have only read one other James Patterson book and I think it was one not in his typical style. I like the fact that the chapters are only 2-3 pages long most of the time so you can pick it up and read a chapter or two when you only have a few minutes to read.
I have 3 large blanket boxes full of floral fabrics from 1995 to present. I have a friend who wants to buy some 2.5" strips of an assortment. If I am going to get out all of those fabrics and press each one, and then cut, I want to cut more for sale on my other blog. If anyone is interested and has a size of cut that you would be interested in, please email me.