Oh, Mother Nature

This is what I did yesterday afternoon. The frozen ice pellet base is a little over an inch thick with a coating of snow on top. It got up to 33 degrees so I went out and started breaking it up and shoveling it off the driveway. I could only get the ice off half of my sidewalk so I'm hoping it will get up near 30 degrees again. I put ice melter on it last night. I was able to clear my porch and cement steps by putting the ice melter along the front edge and then I could lift up the huge ice chunk, drop it and let it break up and then shovel it off. Last night the motion sensor security light came on in the back yard and here was my visitor.
I had a good response to cutting strips yesterday, and I wanted to add, you can make a viewer to see what any fabric will look like cut into strips. Just take a piece of paper and cut a 2" strip out of the center of it and lay it on your fabric to see what a 2" strip of the fabric looks like.

Mother nature is going to dump Arctic air on us for a couple days starting tomorrow, so I need to go out and work on that ice.