Will it ever be finished?

This is one of the pieces that I started in some down time during a week long workshop at QSDS in Columbus, Ohio in 2002. I ran across it again this morning while moving some things. The quarter inch wide strips are just pinned onto the surface and I hope they were rustproof pins. You can see the strips are bending from so many foldings and being put back into the UFO box many times. I think I will leave it up on the design wall and see if inspiration hits.

By the time the art quilters left yesterday we had a few snow pellets in the air. This morning it was 26 degrees at 7 a.m. That is the hardest frost we have had so far but the hostas are still standing, even though they are all yellow now. By Thurs. we are supposed to have 60 degree weather again, a second chance to get out and clean up the yard, since last week was spent on cleaning the house for 2 sets of company.