They fixed it!

I forgot, Blogger is placing the pictures in reverse order. That's OK, I can deal with it.

I made more basket blocks and double 4 patches last night. I wasn't sure about the light blue with dots as a background, but I like it in there now. I have a lot more cutting to do before I will have a good variety to work with. may become 2 separate quilts by the time I am done making blocks.
Here are the fixers. When the guy from the gas company came to mark where their line is on my property I was telling him I was glad the cable company was going to take care of burying the cable right away. He then proceeded to tell me about the houses he has marked 3 or 4 times, over several seasons that didn't get taken care of.
I was so happy yesterday when the doorbell rang and they were here. They even listened to me when I said I thought the line should be buried near the driveway instead of right up the center of my lawn.

So now I am ready for winter without a cable laying across my sidewalk.
Another note about the selvages yesterday: I never remove the selvages right away when I buy fabric. A lot of strip pieced projects need the whole width of the fabric and the strata selvages will be trimmed with the clean up cut. If I trimmed ahead of time, I would have to piece another whole strata for the 1-2 cuts that I couldn't get out of the first set. I also like to leave the information there for a later time when I will be using the fabric.
When I sew a seam in backings, I always make sure the printed selvage edge is at the outside edge where it will be trimmed off after quilting.
Removing the selvages from fabrics back before 45" fabric was made was a common practice because the selvages would shrink more than the rest of the fabric and it was hard to layout a clothing pattern with a puckered edge on the fabric. There are very few fabrics that have that type of problem any more so it is almost like an old wives' tale that has been passed down through the generations, that you would need to remove them before you can use the fabric.