Inset seams all done

Here it is before sewing the last panel. The inset seams in the lower right were "lots of fun". It is like a jig saw puzzle, trying to figure it out. Here it is all sewn together and trimmed. It ended up about 29.25" x 30.5".
And here it is with one that I made over a year ago. The older one is more orderly with all of the strip sets in a vertical position. The new one is more chaos. A lot of people told me the first one reminded them of books on a shelf.

Now I have to decide if I want to border this one. I could do it in the same fabric as the first since I still have more of those fabrics. I think the title of the new one should be "Orderly Chaos" since all of the seams of the sections are cut at right angles to each other. The chaos is the little bits that aren't necessarily straight.