What happens when........

I had this quilt top on my design wall to show to my art quilters since I finished the borders since I had seen them last. One of the ladies hadn't been able to come for several months and had never seen "My current favorite" that is on the right side panel of my blog.I got it out and showed it to her and then because I didn't know where else to put it right then I hung it over the top of the above quilt. Quite interesting!! So where do ideas come from???? Accidents like this!! I would never have dreamed they would look good together but now I have a whole new batch if ideas brewing. Before they left I took all of the little strippies I have been making and added the ones from a couple years ago and put them on the design wall to see how they would look.
I'm off to get my haircut and then the annual visit to the eye dr. 45 degrees this morning.