Big blooms

LC mentioned in her comment about hosta blossoms being small and most really are. Here is the actual size of these sweet smelling ones I showed yesterday. I can easily see these from my kitchen window. This is the largest blooms I have on any of the hostas. Here is another totally different kind of bloom on another hosta. The leaf on this one is longer and skinnier and the flowers are in a cluster. It is just starting to bloom so I'll try to get a better picture in the next couple days.
Here are more of my Rose of Sharon blooms in front of Sedum.
And this is on the basting table about half basted.
In the studio I am making more of these blocks for the next quilt. They haven't been pressed yet and the picture was taken without a flash with the light coming in from the top edge of the photo. I feel like they are organic blocks, untouched by heat and steam.
I hope we get some of the rain they are predicting. I got up with a whopper of a headache yesterday but I had it tamed in time to go out to lunch with a friend. The barometric pressure was pretty high yesterday and today is starting out pretty gloomy. We need the rain before the big county fair next week. We have the largest county fair in IL, the last one of the season starting Wed. after Labor Day each year and lasting for 5 days. We can almost always be guaranteed a heat wave that week. It is brutal on the vendors in the buildings. Take a 90 degree day, an open building and 50-100 people (body heat) walking through. You would think Sept. would be cool weather but that is the exception rather than the rule.