Quilted and trimmed

This is another baby Trip Around the World quilt. I finished sewing the top together after I used the strips for demonstration purposes in my class in May. This is the one I basted a couple weeks ago. I quilted it and trimmed it yesterday and will put the binding on today. Full picture tomorrow. I heard a lot of loud chirping in my backyard yesterday and saw this baby robin and his mother. I couldn't get the mother to stand still long enough to get her picture. The baby on the other hand just sits there and chirps and she comes with food to stick down his throat. The funny part is she is skinny and he is fat! and he gets all of the food.
The hydrangea blossoms are getting big. Just about the time I am really enjoying the white blooms they turn lime green for the rest of the summer.
I took these nature pictures after sundown. It is amazing how much bluer the greens are when the sun isn't shining. I never notice that until I take a picture. Below are the thread leaf coreopsis in behind the regular variety.
We have had about 10 days of the most beautiful, low humidity, perfect temperature days. The humidity is going to roll in tomorrow night. It is so nice to have windows open and the breeze flowing through the house. Because I have hot water heat in my house I have window air conditioners, not central air. They don't do the job like central air but at least it is tolerable inside in the really hot humid weather.

I just add statistics in yesterday's post about the blue/green quilt in case you are interested.