Rainy morning

Yesterday was a long, tiring day. I got groceries for my parents and myself but because the bananas were totally green I then had to make a trip to Wal-Mart. By the time I delivered their groceries and put away mine it was time for the hour trip to the IL Retinal Center. The highlight of the trip was eating at Baker's Square a few blocks from the Dr. office. We went there first, using the gift card they got for Christmas since our local (20 miles away) Baker's Square closed. I took a cooler along and we all got pieces of pie to take home. Mother's appointment was for 2:05 p.m. but we didn't get out of there until 3:50 p.m. She had accidentally pushed the button for "not coming" when she got the automated phone call the day before so they had to work her in. They will be calling me from now on with the reminder call. My mother is hard of hearing and can't even figure out who the call is from with that automated voice and the button pushing was accidental.

And now, on to my green world. I love my plants. This first picture is 4 different hostas, evening primrose (cup of gold) on the left and Sedum and threadleaf coreopsis on the top right.
I had to dig up one bed that had the hostas too near to the grass so I divided the plant and potted the "babies". I will leave them in pots all summer to let the root base strengthen.
Then on a different day I tackled the front flower bed. Two of the hostas needed to be moved away from the more aggressive plants. I decided to divide one of them while I had it dug up. All of these "babies" came from one plant and the main plant is still pretty big.
The robins sit on my front railing and do their "job" onto my porch pots. Luckily this one has multicolor geranium leaves so it isn't so noticeable. The darker plants on the steps below need a bath because it is obvious on them.
I have the day to myself until 4 p.m so I think I will play with some fabric. It's raining so I can't go outside............