Color that we can depend on

We know we can always depend on dandelions. Always. They will be here no matter how hard we try to get rid of them. I decided I should take a picture of this especially robust plant before I tackle that area. I went for a walk yesterday, camera in hand. I stopped to talk to my gardening neighbor and took a picture of his bergenia. I'm not sure of the spelling on that, but that is how the name sounds.
I sewed some more Thangles units last night but I'm not sure I'm happy with this so I will piece some more before I sew the block together.
Last week my mother had 2 whirlpool treatments, the chiropractor, and the foot dr. who is treating her legs. While we were there (foot dr.) he ordered 2 tests at the hospital, one to check circulation and one to be sure she doesn't have any blood clots before they start the compression boot. The circulation report shows she has a 30% blockage so we are off to see a cardiovascular dr. today. He comes to our town to see patients but not until June so they are sending us 20 miles up the road for the appointment. I am supposed to teach a class tomorrow. Now I wonder if I will be available.