Yellow finches

We had a freeze warning overnight but the redbuds still look OK. They haven't opened yet but the trees are looking pink anyway. This first picture was on Apr. 9 of a yellow finch on the finch feeder sack. I have it on a little redbud tree that the squirrels are too heavy for so they can't get to the sack. Here is the same little tree on Apr. 28 (picture taken from a different window) and you can see the pink buds on it. I have redbud trees sprouting all over in the back yard and I have to dig most of them out because they aren't in a place that I would want them. I decided to let this one grow. It came up about 6 years ago and last year was the first year it had flowers.
You can click on the pictures for a closer view. I have given away many of the little trees that I have dug out and most of them have grown even thought they come out bare root.

My mother's legs are healed now but her toes are still weeping so we have one more whirlpool treatment this morning and then we have to see the dr. on Thurs. to see if he prescribes any more of this treatment or goes to another type. I'm getting in a lot of reading (some new authors, some not so great, some really good) while I wait the 45 min to an hour.