Quiet morning

I decided to bond with nature this morning, as I am still tired. I am used to quiet mornings. Having to leave home at 8 one morning and 7:15 the next were just not part of my regular routine. I am usually just eating breakfast at that time. It doesn't hurt to have a break in the routine once in a while to realize how much I enjoy my usual quiet time.

Here are the hostas that were just peeking out on Tuesday. It is amazing what a few warm days can do.
Here is my favorite "weed". I was telling someone one time that I was so excited to have violets growing all over in the shade garden. Their response was "You like weeds?". I have always loved violets. When I was a small child we would take a picnic lunch out to the creek in the back of our property. I later learned that this was really just a drainage ditch that went from farm to farm. It was full and rushing after a rain, and just a trickle a lot of the time. We would pick buttercups and violets and take them home and enjoy them for days.
I have some plants with this color bloom.
Who planted these? A friend gave me a few tulip bulbs about 10 years ago and I planted them in the front flower bed. I have redone the bed twice since then, the last time raising it with about 4" of soil. I thought I had dug out all of the bulbs. When my parents lived next door to me for 3 years, my dad planted yellow tulips all across the front of his house. Now I'm wondering if he sneaked over here and planted some in my garden without telling me. There are more blooms each year and they are my favorite color so I'm not complaining.
I'm going to start cleaning a closet today and by this evening I hope to get to the sewing machine and lose myself in a zone.