A quilt and a mystery

First, the quilt. This is the only picture I have of this quilt and it isn't very good. I made this quilt in the spring of 2005 and gave it to my dentist for her waiting room. It is an I Spy quilt with 6.5" squares bordered by Moda Marbles in lots of different colors. I hear it is a big hit with the kids. Now to the mystery. A couple years ago I decided to update the wiring in my 1953 house to grounded wiring. I had to use those 3 prong adaptors everywhere in my house before that. I figured it would be money well spent when I ever sell the house. I decided to add a few perks while I was at it and had motion sensor lights installed in several places, one being on the back of my house. Every night around 11-11:15 I walk out to the kitchen and studio to turn off lights and the back light is on. I was beginning to think I had a timer on it and didn't know it. I always go to the window and look out and rarely see anything out there. Sometimes it is just the close tree branches moving with the wind that have set it off. Last week I finally saw one of my visitors. He came back again last night so I decided to try taking a picture with just the light across the yard from him.
Here is Mr. Opossom rooting around in the area below a bird feeder. The squirrels are greedy and messy and drop a lot of seeds to the ground in their haste. I saw a rabbit out there at night this week feeding off the same spot. So the mystery is finally solved, this old guy just lumbers through my yard tripping the light and then he usually hides and I don't see him.