Use it or lose it

I have been cutting yellow strips from my scraps and yardage for awhile in hopes of making an all yellow log cabin type quilt. Last week one night I had a dream, in full technicolor as usual. In this dream I was aware of (but didn't see) several people in my studio with their sewing machines. One person seemed to be in charge, all I could see of her was arms, and she reached over and picked up these yellow strips and started handing them out to the people in the room and said "Here are some strips already cut, we can use them". As I am the observer in this dream, I am in shock. They can't have my strips! interpret this dream......does that mean use them or lose them?

By the way, I am enjoying the votes on my last post. I will not work on it until at least Monday evening so if anyone else has an opinion, please comment.