"Need to finish" box, part 2

I decided to really tackle the "need to finish" box this year. Michael, in the comments yesterday, wondered how I could forget a wonderful quilt top like the one I showed yesterday. Did I mention, the box is LARGE and you can get a lot of quilt tops in it? Also the one from yesterday........well I had made it for consideration as the raffle quilt for a local organization. When I realized it was getting pretty late and they hadn't contacted me, I asked and found out that another lady presented hers for consideration, and without looking at mine OR asking my price, they decided hers would be cheaper than mine and bought hers. I put the top away not wanting to remember the circumstances around it. Now....this is a new year....the old is gone, everything is new, so it is a beautiful forgotten quilt top that I will finish this year.

The next one I pulled out to finish is a Strips That Sizzle quilt top. It had the periwinkle blue borders already sewn on it, the backing was chosen and was with it. The problem?? The borders must have been stretched slightly as they were sewn on and they had shrunk back to their original size and were distorting the quilt top. It only took a half hour while watching a movie to tear them off. I have more of the fabric so I will use the 2 long borders for the first strips sewn on, and cut 2 new ones for the longer pieces.
,Below is a close up picture of the fabrics in this one, which is probably 12 years old or older.