Happy Thanksgiving

It is Thanksgiving Day here in the US. I didn't realize other countries celebrated it on different days until I started reading blogs. My son's family is bringing the turkey and I am fixing a lot of the other stuff and the sun is shining this morning. We didn't get any snow overnight, just quite a bit of rain. It was only in the 20's this morning and it sounds like mid 30's is all we can hope for.

This quilt is one that I made in a Mary Ellen Hopkins consumer seminar in Chicago in 1989. That was the only time she did one near here, most were held in LasVegas. She didn't care for the union tactics in Chicago.

She sold us the large floral print for one of the background fabrics and it was used in hers in her book "Connecting Up". This pattern is bow ties and was really fun to make. She was writing the book when we did the seminar so we were her test people.
Here is a closeup of some of the fabrics of the day. There is a lot of Jinny Beyer's early fabric line in this one.
Have a great day everyone!