Calendar quilt

When PAQA was first formed in the Chicago area I was able to attend their Wednesday meetings. Later my job interfered and I had to drop out. While I was a member we had a travelling exhibit called "Calendar Girls". We could pick any date and make a quilt based on it. I chose my birthday and celebrated my favorite piecing (strips) and my favorite animal (stripes). Here are the last 2 shelves of batiks.
This group is the pale colors that weren't available for the first 10 years I was collecting batiks. Then when they did appear I was sure to buy at least a little of every one in case they stopped making them.

Amy mentioned that they were so neatly stacked. Last year I had the hardwood floor refinished in my studio so everything came out and then all back in again. This gave me the opportunity to sort and restack all of the batiks. Now when I want one in the middle, I generally take down the whole stack that is above it so I don't mess it all up pulling pieces out. She also asked how much I buy. I usually buy 1/2 yard now because I like to make multi-fabric quilts. Occasionally there is one that I have to have more of. By the time I make my 1-1/2", 2", and 2-1/2" cuts I only have 1/3 yard left to put on the shelf when I purchase 1/2 yard.