Birthday almost over

Mrs Mel asked what is the best birthday goodie I like to eat. Unfortunately I am one of those people who eat to live and really don't get excited by food. But......I did go out for a birthday lunch last Friday with a friend who has a birthday 10 days before mine and we went to Baker's Square. I had a piece of the lemon pie that has a cheesecake base and whipped topping around the edge. Now that was really good and I almost stopped to get a piece of it today on the way home from my shopping trip. But then I remembered what I looked like in the dressing room mirrors!!! and passed on it.

I will be eating out with my 3 sisters-in-law on Friday. That way my birthday was spread out from Friday to Friday. In fact one of my SIL has the same birthday as me so that makes it even more fun.

It was a relaxing day, and no, no party for me.