A walk around the yard

This is the same group of trees that are all pink with flowers in the spring, Redbud trees. I don't remember them ever being this yellow. They start dropping their leaves long before the other trees but this year they have taken a break and changed color instead. I have one stubborn Rudbekia that wants to continue blooming after the other plants have gone to seed.
The last zinnia blooms are really straggly but aren't ready to give up. The coneflower seeds are good food for the finches. They are usually the yellow finches but yesterday I saw a bunch of little birds with striped heads having lunch in the back garden.
The burning bush has a lot of berries but not many leaves have turned red yet.
I was promised beautiful color from my Viburnum bush, but usually this is what I get, a few red leaves and then frost and the rest of the leaves drop.
I won't have time to sew today. My dad's lenses for his glasses are ready so we have to take a drive and then we go grocery shopping. Hopefully I will see some beautiful color from nature while we are out.