More stash parts and my latest project

Thank you to all of the people who comment on my blog, some are no reply bloggers, which means you don't have an email link in your profile and some are anonymous with no name or initials to identify you. I appreciate all comments, it lets me know somebody is out there.

I had a couple comments/questions about how my fabric stays so neat on the shelves. Last year I had the floor refinished in the studio and everything had to come out. When everything went back in I refolded and restacked every piece of fabric. Now when I remove fabric I am careful when pulling it out and occasionally I'll empty an entire shelf and restack it again. I like it sorted by color (or multicolor) and I want the bottom pieces on the top for rotation every so often.

On to the way the rest of my stash is organized: some of it is cut up and boxed. This is one group of cut pieces. I have been adding to these boxes for at least 10 years. Some projects I have done have taken pieces out of them too so the variety is always changing.
These boxes contain the trays of 2 1/2" squares, one box of regular fabrics and one box of batik fabrics.
This is my bin of 2 1/2" strips for use with 2" Thangles.
I made the blocks for this quilt in 2005 but never got around to the layout. My friends who I used to work with came over last Wednesday and I finally got it designed. Over the next 3 days I got it sewn together. I'm not sure I like it but I think it will look great on a twin bed with the darker outside edge hanging over the sides and the lighter part on top of the bed. It is 72" x 96".