Fall colors

Here is another quilt made from Margaret Miller's "Easy Pieces" technique. I always had to have one in progress to show my classes so I think I made about 7 of them. If I didn't need them for class samples or progress examples I'm sure I wouldn't have made more than 3. Teaching classes the way I did it produced a lot of quilts and wall hangings that I really don't need to own. I donated some to our local hospital and they framed them between 2 sheets of Plexiglas with a metal frame so they wouldn't be a "fire hazard". They were originally refused until one of the gentlemen working there figured out a way to hang them that would follow the rules.

I still own this wall hanging and it reminds me of fall, so I think I will hang it in the hallway to the bedrooms and bathroom. More about stash: I love to pull combinations that work well together (ignore the blue lid to a box) and have one blanket box full of this type of combinations. I go through the fabrics in there once in awhile to make sure I don't have a "winner" hiding in there that would work in several other projects I have in mind.
I haven't come up with the quilt for this group yet, but I have it laying where I see it every day, so maybe soon........