Scans of photos

These 3 pictures are scans of photographs, just so you can see some of the other layouts I have done with the Prismatic Garden series. They aren't very clear and the color is off a little too. I'll have to see if I can get some better scans of them for my archives. This first one is called Rainy Day Garden and I sold it through a gallery in Door County, Wisconsin. Maybe the owner of it reads my blog and could send me a good digital picture of it. I think this one was called Garden Path and I'm not sure which number it is in the series but I think it would be #4 or #5.
This one was made with a lot of the leftovers so it has to be in the #5 or #6 position in the series. After this one I gave all of the rest of the leftover triangles to a friend and I started with all new ones for the next pieces.