Prismatic Garden Continued

This is the view from the bottom of my basement stairs looking at my largest design wall. Here is my next piece in the beginning stages. More on that tomorrow.
This is second big piece I made in this style. It is #9 in the series and is the same size as #1. It is a lot darker than #1 so I still trying to recreate the first one in my next piece (in progress). I still own this piece and it hangs in my "sunshine yellow" guest/computer room. I look up at it every time I am at the computer, and analyze it.
This one is #10. I had it hanging in my bedroom for several years and it was the first thing I would see every morning, with my fuzzy vision before I put my glasses on. I really like a lot of the fabric combinations that I used in these strip sets and I go back and look at if often when I am starting a new one.