I love flowers

I went out around 7 p.m. to take pictures of my flowers and the greens are so nice and dark and lush looking. The lilies above appeared one year. They weren't here when I moved here 35 years ago. They came up right next to a porch railing. Hmmm, I wonder if the birds had anything to do with this as they perched there. I have dug them all out at least 3 times and moved them elsewhere, but after a few years, here they are again in the same place.
I like the gold and purple combination.
This coral bell always produces a huge mass of flowers. It is hard to get a picture in the daytime, but this night picture really shows them off.
The dwarf phlox in two colors.
My other color Rose of Sharon, thanks to sharing friends. I also have another lavender but it didn't have a perfect flower for me to photograph. I will keep watching it for a better opportunity.